Olubunmi Akinyemi – Tips For Running A Project Effectively

In addition to being a business owner, Olubunmi Akinyemi is also a graduate of George Washington University, having taken an advanced degree in Project Management at the institution. Running a project, regardless of its size, can often be difficult for those who have no experience, so try to keep the below in mind to stand the best chance of achieving success.

Get To Know Your Team

Your team members are going to prove vital if the project is going to be a success, so try to be more than a faceless entity barking orders at them. Get to know your team members as individuals, as far as professionalism allows, as this will help you to determine what motivates them to work hard and what talents they bring to the project.

Create Goals And Milestones

No project should ever be started without having a clear goal in mind and good project managers know that creating milestones that must be reached in order to achieve the end goal is vital. This allows you to structure the work that your team does on the project, ensuring that everybody understands their roles and gets the tasks assigned to them done on time.


Olubunmi Akinyemi came to understand the importance of detailed and comprehensive analysis while studying at college. Not only does analyzing your project help you to figure out ways to make things more efficient, but it also allows you to keep track of each team member’s level of productivity. Furthermore, analysis of failed projects will allow you to identify mistakes that can be avoided in the future.


Olubunmi Akinyemi – Reasons You Should Exercise Regularly

As a personal fitness professional, Olubunmi Akinyemi is always delighted to help anybody to achieve the fitness goals they have set for themselves. Regular exercise is an important part of doing this, however, there are many people who don’t make enough effort to be physically active. There are a number of reasons why you should, including all of the below.

Dropping Weight

Of course, the main reason why you should look to exercise regularly is to ensure that you maintain a healthy weight. Failing to do so could lead to all sorts of issues, as obesity is commonly linked to heart ailments and a number of other medical conditions. Furthermore, you will also find that you put far less pressure on your joints if you maintain a healthy weight.

It’s Great For Your Mood

When you complete a workout, or any form of physical activity, your brain will release a number of chemicals that have the effect of improving your mood. This makes exercise an excellent idea for those who are suffering from stress or depression. Furthermore, the actual act of exercising allows you to focus on something other than what may be troubling you in your life.

Better Sleep

Olubunmi Akinyemi knows that regular exercise allows your body to burn up all of the extra energy that it may be harboring, giving you a better chance of enjoying good sleep. Being able to have a good night’s rest is important for your body’s health and can help to alleviate many issues related to stress.

Olubunmi Akinyemi – Traits A Personal Fitness Instructor Must Possess

Olubunmi Akinyemi founded Jungle Fitness in 2012 with the aim of providing quality personal training to people in Atlanta, Georgia. In order to be an effective personal fitness instructor, you must have a number of key qualities that ensure you are suited to the role and able to motivate your clients. All of the below are extremely important.


Not only do you need to be able to ensure your clients stay focused while they are training, but you must also be able to maintain your own focus during sessions as well. This will allow you to spot and correct errors in technique and also shows your clients that you care about the outcome of their training sessions.


Good personal trainers have an inquisitive nature that causes them to ask plenty of questions of their clients. This is important as it will give you more insight into how your clients live their lives and the challenges that they face during their efforts to maintain their personal fitness levels. Remember that every client is different and asking questions will allow you to create individual plans that are catered to them.

A Good Educator

Olubunmi Akinyemi offers much more than an hour or two of training to his clients. Good personal trainers must be able to educate the people they are working with, helping them to understand the reasons behind what they are doing in the process. They must be capable of talking about everything from proper nutrition to the reasons why a particular exercise is important.

Olubunmi Akinyemi – Tips for People Trying to Get In Shape

Olubunmi Akinyemi is an individual with the drive to accomplish his goals in the professional world. He is a natural entrepreneur with the business acumen and know how to turn any venture into a professional success. He has a Master’s degree in Project Management and Technology Management, as well as a certification as a Master Personal Trainer. He is the owner and operator of Jungle Fitness Atlanta, which is a mobile personal training program that allows people with busy schedules to stay in shape or lose weight. He is dedicated to his professional career as a small business owner.

Olubunmi Akinyemi has been serving as a small business owner in the personal fitness industry since 2012. As a certified personal trainer, he understands what it takes in order to lose weight and get in shape for most people; he has been helping hard working people get in shape with the little time they have to do so.

The first thing you need to worry about if you’re trying to get in shape is your diet. Most people immediately assume that exercise is the key to getting in shape, but if you aren’t eating the right foods at the right times, your body has to work extremely hard in order get in shape on exercise alone. Develop a nutritional program that works for you.

In addition to working on your diet, make sure you balance your exercises regularly. For example, don’t spend all your time lifting weights or running on the treadmill; make sure you perform both weight lifting exercises and cardiovascular workouts evenly. This will keep you balanced and healthy.

Olubunmi Akinyemi – Advice for Entrepreneurs

Olubunmi Akinyemi takes great pleasure in helping other entrepreneurs get their start. As the founder of CompuSolve, an IT procurement, consulting, and technology management business based in Abuja, Nigeria (Akinyemi grew up in Ibadan, Nigeria), he had to work extremely hard to secure funding, clients, and responsible employees. He also had to spend many hours planning and setting his goals up for success in the sectors CompuSolve was going into. Akinyemi then moved to Atlanta, Georgia to start another business. In 2012, he founded Jungle Fitness, a full-service personal training company.

Olubunmi Akinyemi learned many lessons from mistakes he has made over the years in business. The one thing he felt he had to do to be successful is to never linger on missed opportunities. The more entrepreneurs look back and try to break down their failures, the more they linger on them and let them affect their future performance and decision-making. Entrepreneurs should always analyze their past moves and decisions to learn from them, but beyond that, they shouldn’t let them cloud their future judgment. Olubunmi Akinyemi has managed to keep his business in Atlanta afloat because he constantly looks ahead for the next opportunity. Past mistakes should only be viewed in the context of helping entrepreneurs take advantage of new opportunities.

Olubunmi Akinyemi has long afforded himself new opportunities by learning from his mistakes and finding better avenues going forward. He strives to make his company better for the sake of his investors, his clients, and his employees.